MSPs are now back at Holyrood after the summer recess, myself included, and amongst the biggest local issues raised with me is rubbish.
Better said, it is how refuse is collected in parts of Edinburgh Central that is a matter of concern which is leading to a bulging post bag.
As you will no doubt be aware, Edinburgh City Council is currently in the process of changing how bins are being collected across the city.
Creating ‘bin hubs’, a uniform solution across Edinburgh, is currently the principal proposal. The council argues that making the one-size-fits-all stations for recycling and waste collection will be cost-saving.
Proponents of this solution say that the size reduction of the bins and more frequent pick-ups will be better than many current methods of refuse collection. More information can be found at
Nonetheless – and inevitably – there are divergences of views on these proposals. Having spoken to different organisations and representatives of the city’s population, I know that many believe that current or better solutions can be developed.
For example, many people who currently use ‘gull bags’ to dispose of their waste and recycling think that this is a viable solution that avoids large bins on streets and stops seagulls rifling through bins and creating a mess.
In spite of the differing views, however, I am encouraged to see that there is a real willingness to be constructive. I and my office will soon facilitate discussions between stakeholders, and I remain available to any resident who wishes to lend their thoughts on this important issue.
This article first appeared in the Edinburgh Evening News on 31 August 2021